Our Values
Acumen we believe that together, we can make a difference. Through our work we help our clients do better in their businesses and in their lives, and that work also has a ripple effect on the markets in general and in the society at large.
While we drive results for our customers, what drives us are our values.
Client First
Client first… always. We realize that the client is as important to us as we are to them. We never fail to recognize this, and go that extra mile to ensure that they get what they want. We believe in earning the client’s trust and making sure that we never, ever, let them down.
Integrity is honesty to yourself; doing what you say and saying what you do; making meaningful commitments and then meet them at all times, regardless of the circumstances. It is about speaking your mind, gently, yet fearlessly, even when it is uncomfortable to do so. It is about walking your talk so strongly, that you do not need to talk. Your walk… is your talk.
Passion is the raw energy which inhabits every cell of your being. Its power breaks down all resistance to its path. No peak is unscalable for it, no depth unfathomable. When you have done something with passion, you would have had fun doing it; there will be sweat on your brow, a glow on your face, and magic in the task that you have performed…
Quest For Excellence
A quest for excellence is about raising the bar of your performance threshold constantly, setting and meeting targets that are out of the ordinary; and exceeding performance commitments. It means shunning mediocrity in yourself, not accepting it in others and always ensuring that everything you do, in any sphere of life, carries your own unique signature.
Sharpen The Saw, Constantly
We are paid for our expertise and knowledge. It is vital for you to remain current at all times. Prevent obsolescence in yourself by constantly being in training, and always be an apprentice, never an expert. Be open to recognizing your teachers. They come disguised in various forms. Clients, parents, colleagues, a child on the street, situations in your life, are some of the disguises your teachers wear. Take the learning’s. Allow yourself to make mistakes, new mistakes. Never repeat mistakes.
People Create, Organizations Don’t
People are the only resource that we have. They have to be nurtured with as much care as a gardener tending a new sapling. Treat all your colleagues in that fashion. Allow them to grow so that they become the best that they are capable of becoming. Encourage them. When they fall, give them a hand, to get them back on to their feet. And in so doing, you are accomplishing two things… earning their trust and speeding up your growth.